and caused a creeping plant to grow over him [out of the barren soil]
And We caused a tree of gourd to grow above him
And We caused to grow, over him, a spreading plant of the gourd kind
and caused a squash plant to grow over him.
and We made a gourd vine to grow over him
and We caused a gourd tree to grow over him
And We caused to grow up for him a gourdplant
We caused a vine of gourd to develop over him.
We made a gourd tree grow up over him
and We caused a plant of gourd (squash) to grow over him.
And We caused a gourd tree to grow over him
And We made a gourd plant grow over him.
And We made a gourd tree grow over him
And We caused to grow, for his sake, a plant of the gourd kind
and caused a gourd plant to grow over him
And We caused to grow over him a tree of gourds
We made a plant of gourd grow up for him
and We caused a tree of ourds to grow over him
We caused him to rest under a well-grown fruitful tree
We grew a plant _ a creeper _ over and around (to shade and protect) him
And We made a vine (of hard shelled fruit) to grow over him for shade
And We caused to grow over him a gourd vine
And We caused a pumpkin tree to grow on him.
and made a gourd tree grow above him
And We caused to grow over him a tree, a gourd
And We made a gourd tree grow over him
and We caused a gourd tree to grow over him.
And caused a gourd plant to grow over him
So We made a gourd plant grow above him
And We caused a gourd plant to grow above him
And We made a plant of squash grow over him.
And We caused to grow over him a spreading plant of the gourd kind
We caused a gourd tree to grow over to shade him,
and caused a gourd tree to grow over him
And We caused a tree of gourd to grow on him.
And We caused a gourd vine to grow up over him
And We caused to grow over him a tree of gourd.
We had a tree of edible fruit grown for him.
and We caused a pumpkin tree to grow over him
And We caused a gourd to grow up for him
And We sprouted/grew on him a tree from a plant without a stem/squashes and cucumbers
I ordered a fruit tree to grow so that he may eat from its fruit
And We grew a tree of gourd (as a shelter) above him
And WE caused a gourd plant to grow over him
And We caused a creeping (gourd) plant to grow over him
And We caused a plant (of the gourd type) bearing large-size fruit but the creeper of slender stem to grow near him
And We caused a plant of gourd to grow over him
and We caused to grow over him a tree of gourds
And We caused a plant of a gourd to grow up over him
and we made to grow over him a gourd tree
And we caused a gourd-plant to grow up over him
and caused a gourd-tree to grow over him
And We caused a gourd like tree to grow over him.
Then We caused a pumpkin tree to grow above him.
And We grew a marrow plant for him.
We caused a spreading gourd plant to grow over him [to shade him].
and We germinated a gourd tree over him.
We made a gourd tree grow up over him [to eat from it]
And We planted over him a tree of gourds.
and caused a gourd tree to grow over him.
And caused a gourd tree (a trunkless tree) to grow over him (manifested fruits of divine gnosis through him).
And We caused to grow over him a plant of gourds.
We caused a tree to grow over him for protection, a tree which grew decumbently and straggingly to a considerable length so as to rest upon the ground (possibly some kind of pumpkin)
and We caused a tree of gourd to grow over him.
And We made to grow over him a tree of gourd;
And We caused to grow, over him, a spreading plant of the gourd kind
And We caused to grow over him a plant of gourd
Waanbatna AAalayhi shajaratan min yaqteenin
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